
The region’s largest Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) between Memphis and St. 路易斯位于女人里面 & 赌博正规软件下载的儿童馆. The 18-room, 36-bed 三级新生儿重症监护室 is staffed by highly-trained, compassionate caregivers:

  • 委员会认证,奖学金培训的新生儿科医生
  • 新生儿执业护士
  • 物理治疗师
  • 注册护士
  • 泌乳顾问
  • 呼吸治疗师
  • 社会工作者
  • 言语治疗师
  • 职业治疗师
  • 放电规划者
  • 技术人员
  • 按摩理疗师


  • 三板认证, fellowship-trained neonatologists supported by the area’s only full-time perinatology service and an expert staff of neonatal nurse practitioners, 护士, 呼吸治疗师, and other specialists trained to detect and avert problems associated with high-risk pregnancies and deliveries
  • 36张床,18个房间
  • Three types of neonatal ventilators for respiratory difficulties
  • Nitric oxide capabilities for persistent pulmonary hypertension
  • 术前术后稳定
  • 中心护士站监控婴儿
  • 技术 to reduce noise on the unit and electronically notify 护士 of changes in a baby’s vital signs
  • 后续的诊所
  • 24-hour neonatologist and neonatal nurse practitioner coverage
    • 新生儿科医生经过委员会认证和奖学金培训
    • 新生儿护士从业人员(NNP)是国家认证
  • 24-hour neonatal transport system by ambulance with a neonatologist or NNP available to accompany
  • 24-hour coverage by a respiratory therapist with 三级新生儿重症监护室 experience
  • 长期营养支持,全肠外营养
  • Pediatric subspecialty consultation available for pediatric ophthalmology and neurology
  • Consultation available by telecommunication for pediatric echocardiography, 遗传学, 放射学和传染病
  • Full-time, dedicated social worker for the 三级新生儿重症监护室 and obstetric areas
  • Neonatal speech therapists with specialized training in infant feeding
  • Dedicated support staff in physical and occupational therapies
  • 认证哺乳顾问
  • 丧亲之痛委员会
  • 发展性护理专家
  • 进入单元的控制通道由摄像机监控

另外, the 三级新生儿重症监护室 offers access to the Family BirthPlace’s Family Room offering families comfortable furnishings, 一个电视, DVD娱乐, 互联网接入, 淋浴设施和储物柜, 厨房里有小吃和饮料.

了解新生儿重症监护病房 & 你的宝宝

访问我们的YouTube频道观看简短视频 介绍新生儿重症监护室提供的服务, 以及关于照顾新生儿的一般信息. 请注意,由于主题, 这段视频的内容可能会冒犯一些人, 或者可能不适合所有年龄段.


持续保持最高质量的病人护理, the 三级新生儿重症监护室 at Saint Francis voluntarily participates in the 佛蒙特牛津网络 (VON), an international consortium of Level II and 三级新生儿重症监护室s that benchmarks outcomes and shares data on the quality of neonatal care worldwide. Saint Francis’ 三级新生儿重症监护室 consistently ranks among the top 25 percent of the 500+ VON NICU participants.


A specially trained neonatal transport team is available or ambulance to move critically ill infants to Saint Francis from other regional hospitals 24/7.



提供前所未有的护理水平, the state-of-the-art 三级新生儿重症监护室 treats premature infants and term newborns with infections, 出生缺陷, 呼吸困难, 生长限制和产妇保健问题. 为下列年龄的婴儿提供照顾:


足月妊娠持续37到42周. Some infants born during this time need intensive care for problems related to infection, 肺炎, 喂养困难和/或出生缺陷. Other full-term infants may need intensive care because of maternal diabetes or problems that may have occurred during labor and/or delivery.


Infants born 4 to 6 weeks early typically weigh between 4 and 7 pounds. Many of these infants experience little difficulty after birth while others may have significant problems with maintaining normal blood sugar levels or learning how to eat. Some of these infants require oxygen for a few days by oxygen hood or nasal cannula. 其他人可能需要呼吸机. Premature infants often need an incubator to help maintain their body heat to conserve energy.

30 - 33周

Infants between 30 and 33 weeks gestational age are born 7 to 10 weeks early. Infants born at this time weigh an average of 2 1/2 to 4 pounds and need monitoring in an intensive care environment. 经常, 这些婴儿需要帮助呼吸, 它可能以呼吸机(呼吸机)的形式存在, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or oxygen by nasal cannula. Infants born at this time need a tiny feeding tube inserted in their nose or mouth to help them receive nutrition until they are mature enough for breast-feedings.


Infants born at this gestation weigh an average of 2 to 4 pounds. 它们的皮肤很薄,脂肪很少. Infants born 10 to 13 weeks early may need ventilator support and may receive artificial surfactant to help their lungs mature more quickly. Intravenous nutrition is important for several weeks as these infants gradually adjust to increasing volumes of breast milk or formula through tube feedings. It is often a month or more before these infants are mature enough to try breast-feedings or bottle-feedings.


Infants born at this gestation weigh an average of 1 1/2 to 2 pounds or less and need significant support at the time of delivery because all their organs are very immature. 皮肤很薄,很容易碰伤. 这个年龄的肺还没有发育. 在出生时, the baby may have a weak but audible cry and poor respiratory effort requiring the immediate insertion of a breathing tube and support with a ventilator. These infants benefit greatly from an artificial form of surfactant, a medicine given directly into the lungs through a breathing tube. 这有助于防止脆弱的气囊崩溃.


为了确保我们病人的安全, 访客及职员, 我们限制访客进入圣弗朗西斯诊所. 我们认识到, 然而, having a parents or guardians present to participate in a child’s healthcare is important. 请参阅我们的 游客指南 来访前.


To learn more about the 三级新生儿重症监护室 at Saint Francis Medical Center, call 573-331-5504.